Public Archive
Wanna view our archive of pages we no longer use or just do not belong on the site? Sure!
Important Pages
Current Maintenance Page (used after Last used on 10/21/24 for DNS refreshing.
Current Beta Testing Site (after 2.18)
Blue Ball Machine Based off
Blank Canvas (2.18 - currently used)
Unused/Unmaintained Pages
These pages are as is. They will never be updated, not even for bug fixes (except for legal updates), for testing and preserving purposes.
Old Maintenance Page (retired after Last used on 12/20/23 for 2.17.1.
Credits (2.5.1 [unused]) This was brought back in 2.6.2 as its section in the index page.
Old Beta Testing Site (before 2.6 - 2.18)
Portal (2.7 - 2.11 [unused elsewhere])
AT's ROM Games (1.0 - 2.6.2 [original page])
Other Projects/Pages
These pages are as is. They will never be updated, not even for bug fixes (except for legal updates), for testing and preserving purposes. PLEASE NOTE ALL LEGAL DOCUMENTS ARE INVALID EXCEPT FOR THE LASTEST VERSION, ALL VALID LEGAL DOCUMENTS ARE ON *
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