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Example Document HTML Text HTML Headings HTML Links HTML Images

HTML Basics

Made by: The Script Community.
Published by: AT Products LLC.

Example Document

    <h1> This is a heading </h1>
    <p> This is text </p>
    <a href="">This is a link</a>
    <img src="at.png" width="99.99% alt="Example Image">

We got to first lay down the very first thing to know. The <!DOCTYPE html> tag represents the Document Type and helps some browsers display correctly with your website, must only be used once. Some elements do need a closing tag, like </center>.

The <head> tag is needed to represent the head of the website. The <body> tag is the same thing, but it's the body.


Some elements are meant to show text like <text>, and <p>.

<p> This is text </p>

HTML Images

The <img> tag is to show a image. The width or height description can be used by pixels or percentages by displays. The alt tag shows up when the image doesn't load or can't load, it shows the description.

<img src="at.png" width="99.99% alt="Example Image">