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Strings Integers Print Other Data Types Comments

C++ Basics

Made by: CodingHome.
Published by: AT Products LLC.


A string is a sequence of characters representing text. Strings are typically enclosed in quotation marks and can be stored in variables for later use in a program.

#include <ostream>
#include <string>

int main() { 
    // Declare a string variable
    std::string str = "codinghome"; 

Integers and Floating Point Numbers

Simply said, Integers are used for numbers without a decimal, and Float is used for numbers with decimals, simply said. There is more to that but we are keeping it simple.

#include <iostream>

int main() { 
  // Declare an integer variable 
  int num = 10; 

  // Declare a floating-point variable float 
  fnum = 10.5; 


Printing an output to the terminal/console:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  // Declare an integer variable
  int num = 10;
  // Declare a floating-point variable
  float fnum = 10.5;
  std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl; // <-- Prints the integer variable (variable num)
  std::cout << "fnum: " << fnum << std::endl; // <-- Prints the floating point variable (variable fnum)
  return 0;

Other Data Types

As previously listed:

- Integers (whole number) (2 or 4 bytes).
- floating point number (4 bytes).
- Stores strings (Text) (use ').

But there are other data types in C++, such as:

- Stores strings (Text) (use ").
- floating point number (8 bytes).
- true (1) or false (0) (1 byte).


Below is an example of comments.

// This is a single line comment
* This is a multi-line comment
* that spans multiple lines